Breezair TBS Series

Breezair® units feature advanced technology and a range of unique and clever design features that combine to achieve the highest cooling performance of any similar air conditioner.

Chillcel Filter Pads

Breezair features roboticly manufactured chillcel pads which stops all particles as small as 2 microns.

96% Cost Reduction

The Breeazir TBs 580 model reduces cooling costs to as low as Rs. 4000 each month without losing out on efficiency!

Maximum Cooling Efficiency

Breezair’s unique honeycomb chillcell pads provide maximum cooling efficiency!

25 Years Warrantee

Get factory backed Warrantee by Seeley International. We confirm both your comfort and insurance!

Feel the 22°C Temperature Drop

Breezair has been tested in Pakistan and can provide upto 20°C temperature drops!

Cool a 1 Kanal house in Rs. 4000/Mth

Indeed this is true with the technology used with Breezair, which ensures both cooling and cost reduction.

Welcome to the Breezair TBs Series!

At the push of a button, you can enjoy a natural cool change whenever you want. Fresh, filtered, cool air flows freely through your home, making it comfortable for all the family – and unlike a refrigerated or reverse-cycle system, you don’t need to feel trapped in home that’s locked up like a prison, because a Breezair works best with your windows and doors open.

"Our core brand value of inspiration is underpinned by four supporting brand values – Innovation, Excellence, Reliability and Energy-Efficiency."
Frank Seeley
Chairman, Seeley Intl.

Why choose Breezair TBS?

The CPD (Control Power Module) is the high-powered electornic brain of Breezair. This durable state of the art technology maximises performance and ease of use so all you have to worry about is setting the desired level of cooling.

Breezair Coolers feature special ChillCel pads at least 90mm thick for maximum evaporation and cooling, stops particles as small as 2 microns. We manufacture our own pads and match them perfectly to each cooler model for optimum efficiency.

All Breezair Coolers have a patented, super-quiet centrifugal fan that gives much greater airflow than old-fashioned propeller fans – and with much less noise (perfect for quiet, sleep-filled nights)

Breezair’s unique Tornado Pump provides exceptional reliability in extreme conditions-naturally.

All Breezair airconditioners feature as standard the new SensorTouch wall controller, for simple to understand and simple to use climate control.

Key Features

Breezair’s unique patented Chillcel® Filter Pads, are the ONLY pads made in Australia, by the Breezair factory, are 4 inches thick, made in a honeycomb pattern and stop water droplets of up to 2 microns to go through. Hence Breezair DOES NOT CAUSE DAMPNESS.

AQUAflow non-clogging water distribution with unique water flow distributor (patented worldwide by Breezair) maintains perfect pad saturation maximising cooling efficiency!

Innovative use of materials and state of the art components provides comfort cooling at economical prices into a variety of applications.

This combination of a reduced temperature and constant air flow produces a more comfortable working environment, thus improving morale, absenteeism, production and ultimately productivity.

This combination of a reduced temperature and constant air flow produces a more comfortable working environment, thus improving morale, absenteeism, production and ultimately productivity.

Want to know the complete specifications?